Thursday, July 4, 2013

Auckland and Waiheke Island

We've only been in New Zealand for 3 days, but it's already on the list of places to live some day. So far it has the nicest people, the grass is literally greener, the water bluer, and it is just impossible not to be in the best mood here. While Auckland is great - good views, cute parks, delicious food - cities are not why we came here. So after a day of exploring the downtown, we headed across the bay to Waiheke Island - which is everything we had imagined NZ to look like. Sweeping green valleys, sheep dotting the hillsides, 360 degree views of ocean, trees, cliffs, and Auckland in the distance.

Tomorrow we rent our camper van and head north!



Our week-long stay in Hawaii was a perfect whirlwind of Adam-family reunions, sunshine, lava rock, Loco Moco, boogie board wipeouts, umbrella drinks, and one scary reef shark. A highlight we unfortunately were not able to take pictures of was 'The Manta Ray Experience' - a night snorkel with 15-foot wide mantas (sadly 17-foot wide Big Bertha, famous in Kona, did not make an appearance). It was once-in-a-lifetime, totally unique stuff. But here is a look at some great moments we were able to capture on film.

Oasis at the end
Hiking over Hawaiian moonscape? Mordor?
Secret beach for those willing to brave the lava rock - clearly no one else.
Luau with family     



Goodbye Hawaii!

Sunday, June 30, 2013


Over the last few months, we said our temporary goodbyes to friends, family, and the beautiful and comforting California coast.  We were both so pleasantly unsurprised to hear only words of support and encouragement for our trip off the beaten path.  We know amazing people, basically. But! A new adventure begins...