Monday, May 19, 2014

Tongariro Alpine Crossing

This 19.4 km hike over active volcanic lands was one of the absolute best, most epic (and exhausting) experiences we've had in New Zealand.

Standing above the Red Crater at 1866 km.
Emerald Lakes and steam 

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Family Visit! And hello again, New Zealand

We spent three weeks traveling through Australia and New Zealand with certified adventurers, Pam and Jon Erlandson, doing our best to cover 2 countries in only 20 days. Here are some photos of their visit (notable exceptions being Melbourne and the Great Barrier Reef, where apparently I forgot I had a camera)!

Sydney Harbor (duh)

Morning in the Southern Alps
 Hike with Mount Cook looming ahead
Milford Sound sunset cruise
Under Fairy Falls

Family photo in the Queenstown countryside! 
Lake Matheson reflecting Mt. Cook and Mt. Tasman
Abel Tasman National Park excursion
Ever-present sheep and Mt. Ruapehu

Thursday, February 6, 2014

A Place to (Briefly) Call Home

We haven't touched base on this blog in a while, but only for the best of reasons - meeting new people, experiencing all that Australia's "culture capital" has to offer, working (very different) and fun new jobs, and creating a home base as we replenish our travel funds and live the day-to-day excitement of a challenging new place.

Things have been fantastic in Melbourne - it has become a place that will always feel like home. Our tentative plan is to stay here until The Erlandsons visit in mid-April, at which point we will encroach on their travel plans - then either do a bit more travel in Australia, or set up shop in New Zealand for another year of adventure!

In the meantime, here is a picture of our cute little townhouse that we share with 2 awesome Melbourne natives.

Great Ocean Road

We were treated to some of the best coastline views yet on the very last leg of our 2 month travels through Oz. Reminding us a little of California's Highway 1, except with that particular Australian flair we've come to appreciate so much, we finished our final day on the Great Ocean Road - 243 kilometers of untouched seaside and beaches, koala colonies, and enough beautiful bushland to get it out of our system for a few months as we prepared to settle down in Melbourne.

Here are some of the views that welcomed us back to civilization!

Loved that there was a designated beginning and end to this road -
it made our last day of road tripping feel very ceremonial

Flinders Ranges views
(A few of) The Twelve Apostles
One last koala picture for good measure - courtesy of Cape Otway colony